Self-Paced Online Course: Business Organizations
Study Hours: 22
Limiting liability for company founders and investors is an issue for all business people to consider. Another topic of interest for entrepreneurs is the balance of power between the shareholders, directors and officers. In this module, the legal aspects of agency are presented, and the various forms of business entity, including sole proprietor, partnership, corporations, and LLCs are compared and contrasted. Students learn the principles of limited liability, corporate formation, the appointment and powers of officers of directors.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- Select the most appropriate form of business organization for a new startup venture. The student will be able to determine whether a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC or corporation is most suitable for a particular type of business.
- Organize a corporation, assigning powers and duties to the corporate directors, officers and shareholders.
- Form a corporation or LLC.
Course Sections
The course is organized into the following sections:
- Business Organizations: Introduction
- Business Organizations: Sole Proprietor
- Business Organizations: Agency
- Business Organizations: Partnerships
- Business Organizations: Limited Liability Companies ~ LLC’s
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Introduction to US Corporations
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Formation
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Shares
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Officers
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Shareholders
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Directors
- Business Organizations: S-Corporations & Other Variations
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Duties and Conflicts
- Business Organizations: Corporations ~ Piercing the Corporate Veil
- Business Organizations: Derivative Lawsuits
- Business Organizations: Corporate Fraud

Course Information:
Study Hours: 22
Enroll Anytime: first create an SVBS account