Self-Paced Online Course: Patent Strategies
Study Hours: 20
Patent assertion, defensive measures, portfolio construction and other strategic issues are taught in this module. The various business models encountered in the patent business are presented and discussed, including patent aggregators, non-practicing entities and defensive patent pools.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
- Place a realistic value on patents when negotiating patent sale or licensing transactions.
- Recognize the nature of patents as weapons of litigation, and appreciate the role of the various players in the patent landscape, including NPE’s, defensive aggregators and patent pools.
- Suggest relevant patent strategies for startups, large corporations, NPE’s and other types of organizations.
- Appreciate how patent sale transactions are valued, negotiated and structured.
- Set patent licensing and cross licensing strategies.
- Negotiate key provisions of patent sale and licensing transactions.
- Understand each of the key provisions of a patent purchase agreement (patent sale agreement).
- Appreciate the impact of standards and standards bodies in patent licensing and the fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory requirements for the licensing of standards-essential patents.
- Identify the various ways patents can be monetized.
- Determine if an invention is patentable and fits within the scope of patentable subject matter.
- Appreciate the role of patent claims under U.S. federal law.
- Determine if a patents is being infringed.
Course Sections
The course is organized into the following sections:
- Patent Strategies: The Patent Landscape
- Patent Strategies: Patent Monetization
- Patent Strategies: Patent Wars
- Patent Strategies: Patent Strategies for Corporate Product Marketers
- Patent Strategies: Patent & I.P. Strategies for Startups
- Patent Strategies: Patent Sales and Other I.P. Transactions
- Patent Strategies: Patent Injunctions ~ Blocking The Sale of Products
- Patent Strategies: Patent Portfolios
- Patent Strategies: Non-Practicing Entities
- Patent Strategies: Defensive Patent Aggregators
- Patent Strategies: Patent & I.P. Licensing
- Patent Strategies: Patent Cross-Licensing
- Patent Strategies: FRAND Licensing & Standards Bodies
- Patent Strategies: Patent Valuation

Course Information:
Study Hours: 20
Enroll Anytime: first create an SVBS account